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Top Tips from South West Water

Top Tips from South West Water

The recent warm, dry weather, coupled with people spending more time at home and in the garden, is increasing demand for water across the region.  Sponsors South West Water have advised that water usage is at similar levels to the hot summer of 2018, despite the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on tourism and business....

Coronavirus Updates from Sponsors PKF Francis Clark

Coronavirus Updates from Sponsors PKF Francis Clark

Our colleagues at sponsors PKF Francis Clark have pooled together all their experts’ advice and sources of support together in one place to help us all at this challenging time. Please click here to find all the very latest useful information and advice on next steps....

Awards deadline & workshop info

Awards deadline & workshop info

We already have over 250 awards entries started or completed across all schemes but don’t want to be applying any extra pressure on businesses at this difficult time – so we have extended the Final Entry Deadline by a month to Sunday 31 May. We will continue to monitor the situation and have numerous contingencies in mind, but will keep you informed via Twitter, website and email. ...

Tourism Awards Open for Entry

Tourism Awards Open for Entry

TOURISM AWARDS OPEN FOR ENTRY The 2020/21 Cornwall Tourism Awards are open for entry and businesses in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly are encouraged to start your submissions without delay....

Tourism Awards Workshops Announced as Launch Looms

Tourism Awards Workshops Announced as Launch Looms

We are running a series of two hour workshops on how to be the best and win awards at venues across the South West. They are designed to help ensure that your application is the best it can be as well as hearing about what’s new, reasons for entry, and sharing in our tips for success.  Full details and online booking links are below.  Many venues ...